Ajin: Final Episode and Full Series Review

Ajin: A Roller Coaster Ride of Thrills and Philosophy

The Season Finale of Ajin and Reflections on 2016 Anime

As we bid farewell to 2016, it’s time to reflect on the impressive anime series that graced our screens. One such series that stood out in terms of depth and consistency was Ajin. While we may not have the definitive ending we desired, Ajin’s conclusion still left a satisfying impact. This Polygon-Netflix collaboration has captivated audiences week after week, showcasing a level of consistency that is often taken for granted in the anime world.

A Consistently Engaging Storyline and Characters

Despite a change in the writer early on in the Ajin manga, the anime adaptation remained true to its core. Kei’s character development, while noticeable, reached a settled middle ground that showcased the series’ self-assured nature. From the beginning, Ajin has been transparent about the type of story it aims to tell, offering plenty of surprises within its narrative framework. It never misses an opportunity to deliver forward momentum and engage its audience.

The Battle of Nagai vs. Satou and the Question of Existence

It was clear that the battle between Nagai and Satou would be fierce, but what remained uncertain was the outcome. Both characters are essential to the narrative and justify each other’s existence. Tosaki’s decision to “free” Izumi marked the completion of his character redemption, although some issues with his actions remain. Izumi’s devotion to Tosaki falls under the realm of Stockholm Syndrome but reveals her admirable courage. Meanwhile, Satou’s obsession with beheading Ajin individuals raises profound questions about self-identity. The philosophical debate surrounding the question of whether someone replaced after death is still the same person adds an intriguing layer to the series.

A Surprising Twist in Kei’s Abilities and the Intervention of U.S. Special Forces

In a climactic turn of events, Kei demonstrates an unexpected capability known as the “Flood Effect.” Just as Satou plans to behead him, a frantic beatdown ensues, revealing Kei’s newfound power. However, Satou remains unfazed and seemingly unaffected even after his head is shaved. The timely arrival of the U.S. Special Forces prevents further chaos, saving both O’Brien and the lives of countless Edoites.

A Bittersweet Conclusion for Satou and Kei’s Quieter Life

Satou’s escape in a straitjacket-like spacesuit alongside Tanaka may hint at future endeavors, but a swift plunge into the ocean leaves their fate uncertain. On the other hand, Kei finally finds the peaceful life he yearned for after receiving official pardon and human recognition for Ajin. Though he reconnects with his sister, his friendship with Kai remains unmentioned. However, a phone call disrupts the tranquility, setting the stage for the next chapter in Ajin’s never-ending story.

The Future of Ajin and the Anime Industry

Comparisons to Sidonia no Kishi and the Potential Impact of CGI Animation

Polygon’s Ajin shares similarities with its fellow CGI-animated series, Sidonia no Kishi. While both faced initial skepticism toward their visual style, Ajin’s engrossing storytelling overshadowed any earlier concerns. The success of Ajin raises questions about the future of TV anime and the potential compromises required to produce non-otaku series economically. Although Polygon’s storytelling prowess proves exemplary, there remains a longing for hand-drawn masterpieces from studios like Bones.

A Longing for Continued Adventures and Further Exploration

As we ponder the future of anime, let us shift our focus to the destiny of the Ajin franchise. While an OVA and live-action film are slated for 2017, the demand for more animated episodes remains apparent. Satou as an antagonist is truly a magnificent character, and the moral ambiguity and social commentary embedded within Ajin resonate intellectually and emotionally. Ajin consistently delivers remarkable narratives, and we eagerly await its return to television screens.


In conclusion, Ajin remains an exhilarating roller coaster ride of thrilling battles and philosophical exploration. Its consistency, engaging characters, and intense storytelling set it apart from other anime series in 2016. Though the conclusion may not be definitive, it leaves an impact and paves the way for future adventures. As the franchise continues to captivate fans, let us embrace the moral complexities and social commentary that Ajin masterfully presents.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Will there be a definitive ending for Ajin?

Unfortunately, the conclusion of Ajin is not definitive, leaving room for further exploration in the future. The upcoming OVA and live-action film promise to contribute to the franchise’s popularity, but the anime’s return remains uncertain.

2. Can Ajin be considered a philosophical anime?

Absolutely. Ajin raises profound questions about the nature of self-identity and the significance of one’s memories and emotions. Its exploration of philosophical themes adds depth to the thrilling narrative.

3. What makes Ajin stand out among other CGI-animated series?

Despite initial concerns regarding the visual style, Ajin’s engrossing storytelling and character development overshadow any flaws. The series proves that CGI animation can be a compelling medium when combined with exceptional storytelling.

4. Is there a chance for more hand-drawn anime similar to Ajin?

While the future of anime may continue to embrace CGI animation, there is still a place for hand-drawn masterpieces created by studios like Bones. The unique style and artistry offered by hand-drawn animation would undoubtedly enhance series like Ajin.

5. How does Ajin compare to other anime series in terms of consistency?

Ajin stands out as one of the most consistent anime series in recent years. Its unwavering forward momentum, engaging plotlines, and well-developed characters make it an unrivaled viewing experience.
