Battery: Thrilling Conclusion – Series Review

Movie Bunker Score:

Article Title: Battery – A Disappointing Baseball Series with Unrealized Potential


In the realm of anime, some series fall short of their potential, leaving viewers with a sense of disappointment. One such example is the baseball series, Battery, which failed to fulfill its promising premise. Despite the high expectations set at the beginning of its season, Battery fell short in various aspects. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind its shortcomings, exploring the unconventional partnership between director Mochizuki Tomomi and writer Asano Atsuko, the adaptation challenges of a lengthy novel series within a limited episode count, and the lack of depth in character development and narrative execution.

A Dodgy Partnership and Adaptation Challenges

The collaboration between Mochizuki Tomomi’s minimalist directorial style and Asano Atsuko’s more histrionic writing proved to be a perplexing mix. While it is challenging to pinpoint the exact decision-making process during production meetings, it is possible that the stark differences in their approaches created a disconnect between the visual presentation and the narrative. Moreover, adapting a voluminous novel series into an 11-episode format inevitably posed limitations on storytelling and character development. These inherent challenges could have contributed to the ultimately unsatisfying outcome of Battery.

An Odd Place for a Conclusion

One of the peculiar choices in Battery was the placement of its closing arc at a pickup game between Nitta and Yokote Middle School. While it may seem unconventional to conclude a baseball series with an unofficial game, the central conflict revolves around the rivalry between Takumi and Kadowaki, a character who only appeared halfway through the series. This rivalry lacks the necessary depth to fully engage the audience and invest them in the outcome of the game. As a result, the emotional impact of the closing arc falters, leaving viewers with a sense of disconnectedness.

Unfulfilled Themes and Tantalizing Teases

Battery intermittently hints at intriguing themes that could have driven the series forward. Takumi’s complex relationship with his family, particularly his brother, and his clash with a society that rejects individuality and boastfulness in children posed captivating storylines. However, these themes were merely touched upon rather than fully explored, leaving viewers longing for a more substantial exploration of the characters and their societal struggles. The lack of depth in these narrative elements is a significant setback for Battery.

An Incomplete Game

Remarkably, the final episode of Battery dedicates only a fraction of its runtime to the actual game, reserving the majority for build-up and unresolved plotlines. The emphasis on the erratic relationship between Shun and Shuugo, introduced relatively late in the series, further contributes to the disjointed narrative. This disjointedness gives the impression that Battery’s 11-episode run is a mere slice of a longer series, leaving multiple plotlines unresolved and sidelining key narrative arcs. The disparity between introduced and unrealized plotlines raises questions about the adaptation’s faithfulness to the source material.

A Largely Unsuccessful Anime

Regardless of the reasons behind its shortcomings, Battery must be assessed on its individual merits. Unfortunately, it falls short of being a successful anime series. While initial criticism of the series may have been premature, there is a sense of dissatisfaction in what the series aimed to achieve. It is challenging to discern the overarching purpose or message that Battery seeks to convey. Whether viewed symbolically or strictly narratively, the series lacks a captivating narrative and fails to explore its potential themes adequately. Ultimately, the storytelling of Battery leaves the audience yearning for a more well-rounded and fulfilling experience.


Battery, a highly-anticipated series with immense potential, failed to meet viewers’ expectations. The incongruous partnership between director Mochizuki Tomomi and writer Asano Atsuko, combined with the challenges of adapting a lengthy novel series into a limited episode count, hindered the series from reaching its full potential. Moreover, the disjointed narrative, unexplored themes, and unresolved plotlines further compounded the disappointment felt by viewers. Battery, though it had its promising moments and captivating early episodes, ultimately left an unfulfilled promise.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can Battery’s flaws be attributed to the source material?

While it is difficult to ascertain the exact influence of the source material on the flaws of Battery, the adaptation’s storytelling choices and execution bear significant responsibility for the series’ shortcomings.

2. How did the collaboration between the director and writer contribute to the series’ problems?

The contrasting styles of director Mochizuki Tomomi and writer Asano Atsuko may have created an inconsistent tone and disconnect between the visual presentation and the narrative content. This partnership played a role in the dissonance experienced by viewers.

3. Were the themes teased in Battery ever fully explored?

Unfortunately, the series only provided glimpses of thought-provoking themes related to Takumi’s family dynamics and societal challenges. These themes were not adequately developed, leaving viewers craving a more profound exploration of these concepts.

4. Why did Battery conclude with an unofficial game?

The choice to conclude with an unofficial game between Nitta and Yokote Middle School appeared unconventional and lacked the necessary emotional weight to engage viewers fully. The rivalry between Takumi and Kadowaki, a character introduced late in the series, failed to create a compelling narrative climax.

5. Did Battery’s narrative execution leave the audience unsatisfied?

Yes, Battery’s storytelling left many unresolved plotlines and unexplored character relationships. These gaps hindered the overall satisfaction of the audience, contributing to the series’ perceived shortcomings.
