Blood Lad: Bittersweet Farewell – Series Wrap-up

The Perplexities of Blood Lad: A Review of the Final Episode

It’s a peculiar feeling to be writing a series review after just the tenth episode, especially on the 9th of September. This episode was undeniably excellent, yet it left me with a sense of disappointment due to the lack of a proper ending. It became evident that Brains Base, the studio behind Blood Lad, had originally planned for a 12-episode season but had to adjust when they discovered the season would be cut short.

This anime managed to juggle multiple storylines and introduce numerous characters without neglecting any of them. The addition of Bell’s father, Hydra Heads, brought another layer to the story. Fujiwara Keiji’s portrayal of Heads, with his cool and slightly goofy demeanor, showcased a powerful character who acted like an ordinary person. Above all, he was a loving father to both his daughters, including the one who wasn’t his biological child. The last couple of episodes primarily revolved around Heads’ attempts to do right by Fuyumi, and the intricate dance that Staz found himself involved in.

The final episode focused on various plotlines, leaving little room for proper resolutions. We witnessed an invasion of Staz’ territory by Snowman’s crew, Braz dealing with Beros with assistance from Liz, Wolf Boy being summoned to heaven by Wolf Daddy, Bell confronting Fuyumi about her feelings for Staz, and Braz and Franken discussing a secret project. With so much happening, it was quite challenging for the series to provide satisfactory conclusions. Some plot threads, like the Wolf family’s story and Braz’s attempt to resurrect his father, were merely teased and left unresolved. However, it was especially disappointing that Bell’s feelings for Staz were never properly addressed, considering the significant role they played throughout the series.

Fuyumi’s future and the emotions surrounding her held the most significance in the final episode. Heads’ motivations were presented clearly, with his desire to give Fuyumi the choice to determine her own destiny. This desire conflicted with Heads’ wife, who still saw Fuyumi as her own daughter and hesitated to let her go. The way the finale was framed highlighted Staz’s decision to become a hero, even if a “dark hero.” He aimed to honor Fuyumi’s wishes and set things right with her father, showcasing his growth and determination. However, unanswered questions about Fuyumi’s potential resurrection and Braz’s promise remained. Nevertheless, it was evident that throughout the series, Staz had always been a hero, albeit one who sometimes took unconventional approaches. Unfortunately for Bell, it became clear that Staz’s heart belonged to Fuyumi, surpassing mere novelty or otaku interests. While the future remains uncertain, readers will need to turn to the manga (and an upcoming OVA) for further closure.

Looking back, it remains perplexing why Blood Lad was only granted ten episodes. The production quality was not lacking, as the anime boasted stylish visuals, competent animation, and a remarkable voice cast. Though it may not sell exceptionally well, it is undoubtedly on par with numerous other series that received full one-cour seasons. The decision to limit Blood Lad seems puzzling and somewhat disheartening. It is possible that the production process faced challenges or encountered limited support, leading to a short season.

At the beginning of the series, I couldn’t help but draw comparisons between Blood Lad and Hataraku Maou-sama! While the two shows ultimately diverged in content, one thing held true: Blood Lad delivered consistent entertainment value without excessive flamboyance. Week after week, it provided well-executed character comedy. The impeccable portrayal by Ohsaka Ryouta, along with a stellar cast, including other talented male seiyuu, cemented the anime’s success. It was a smart, imaginative, and clever series, offering an intriguing visual style, overflowing with wit and charm. Blood Lad might not have revolutionized the genre but excelled at delivering solid, straight-up anime with a touch of amusing stupidity.

One standout element of this series is its ability to introduce a vast array of characters within its short run while still ensuring they each receive individual attention and remain entertaining. From Bell, who pays homage to Haruhara Haruko, to the lovable furball Mamejirou, the diverse cast added significant depth to the story. Even relatively common character archetypes, such as Liz as the imouto and the shounen-rival dynamics between Wolf Boy and Staz, were handled with originality and intelligence. Blood Lad consistently brought a smile to my face, often provoking laughter. It maintained a coherent and complex narrative, making it a truly enjoyable anime experience. Simply put, it is a testament to the excellence of seinen anime and Brains Base’s talent.


The final episode of Blood Lad, while undeniably excellent, left viewers yearning for more. With numerous storylines and characters in play, the limited time prevented the series from offering satisfying resolutions to all the plot threads. However, its focus on Fuyumi’s future and the emotions surrounding her added depth and showcased the growth of characters like Staz. Though certain unanswered questions lingered, Blood Lad remained consistently entertaining and provided a cohesive narrative. Despite its short length, the series excelled at introducing and developing a diverse cast of characters. Blood Lad may not have reinvented the genre, but it delivered a solid, well-executed anime experience that left a lasting impression.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will there be a second season of Blood Lad?

At this time, there has been no official announcement regarding a second season of Blood Lad. However, fans can still enjoy the manga and an upcoming OVA scheduled for release in December.

2. What makes Blood Lad stand out among other anime?

Blood Lad distinguishes itself through its smart character comedy, imaginative storytelling, and visually appealing animation. Its diverse and well-developed cast adds depth to the narrative, making it an exceptionally enjoyable series.

3. Why was Blood Lad limited to only ten episodes?

The decision to produce only ten episodes for Blood Lad remains puzzling. Despite its high production quality and captivating storytelling, the series received a shortened season. The exact reasons for this decision are unknown.

4. Is it necessary to read the manga for closure?

While the anime provides some closure to the story, readers seeking further resolution may find satisfaction in the continuation of the manga. Reading the manga will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the characters and their futures.

5. Will Blood Lad’s popularity impact future similar anime?

The popularity of Blood Lad will likely have a positive influence on future anime of a similar nature. Its success highlights the demand for well-executed character comedies and demonstrates the potential for captivating storytelling within the genre.
