Game of Thrones Finale

Game of Thrones Season 8: A Disappointing Conclusion

Two years have passed since the highly anticipated conclusion of Game of Thrones, and fans are still reeling from the disappointment they felt towards the show’s final season. The fantasy epic, based on George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice & Fire” novels, captivated audiences for almost a decade with its intricate plotlines and complex characters. However, as the series progressed, it became clear that the showrunners, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, were deviating from the source material and making creative choices that left many fans unsatisfied.

A Clash of Expectations

One of the main criticisms leveled against the final season of Game of Thrones is how it diverged from the direction set by the books. In Martin’s novels, the author constantly challenged his characters and introduced new and exciting fantasy elements, allowing his love for the genre to shine through. However, Benioff and Weiss decided to simplify the story and remove many of the fantastical aspects to appeal to a wider audience. This decision proved to be a mistake, as it resulted in a decline in the show’s quality and a missed opportunity to fully explore the rich world Martin had created.

The Problems of Pacing

Season 8 of Game of Thrones faced challenges with pacing and character development. As the show neared its final episodes, fans anticipated a concise and compelling narrative that would do justice to the intricate storylines built up over previous seasons. However, the writing took a significant decline, hurrying towards a conclusion that felt rushed and unsatisfying.

One of the main issues with Season 8 was the handling of character arcs. Jon Snow, portrayed by Kit Harington, had been established as a central figure destined for a heroic role in the battle against the Night King. Yet, the showrunners chose to subvert expectations by having Arya Stark, played by Maisie Williams, deliver the final blow instead. This decision left Jon’s character without a clear purpose for the remainder of the series, creating a sense of unfulfilled potential.

Similarly, Arya Stark’s character arc was cut short after her pivotal role in defeating the Night King. Her earlier journey, marked by tragedy and a desire for vengeance, hinted at her eventual clash with Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey). However, this anticipated confrontation was discarded, leaving Arya with limited relevance to the overarching plot.

Sansa Stark, portrayed by Sophie Turner, also suffered from inconsistent writing. While her character was initially crafted as a survivor who learned to navigate the treacherous world of Westeros, her mistrust of Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) in Season 8 lacked sufficient development and justification. This oversight diminished Sansa’s agency and undermined her previously established growth as a cunning player of the game.

The Decline of the Lioness, the Kingslayer, and the Dwarf

The remaining characters from House Lannister, including Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage), Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), and Cersei Lannister, faced similar issues of inconsistent character development.

Tyrion, once portrayed as a clever and manipulative character, became a shadow of his former self. His decision-making and strategies felt off, and his once-sharp wit dulled. The charismatic dwarf who had captured audiences’ hearts was reduced to a caricature of himself.

Jaime Lannister, on the other hand, took an unexpected turn in Season 8. After embarking on a redemptive arc that endeared him to viewers, he regressed in his character development by returning to his sister Cersei. This decision undermined his growth and the emotional investment audiences had made in his journey.

Cersei Lannister, a character known for her cunning and manipulation, ultimately lacked a compelling narrative arc. Her actions, particularly the destruction of the Sept of Baelor, went without substantial consequences. These oversights diminished the impact of her character and left her storyline feeling unresolved.

The Tragic Arc of Daenerys Targaryen

The mishandling of Daenerys Targaryen’s character is perhaps the most divisive aspect of Game of Thrones’ final season. Daenerys, played by Emilia Clarke, was initially portrayed as a compassionate yet determined leader who sought power to bring justice and liberation to the oppressed. However, in Season 8, her transformation into a violent and unstable ruler felt rushed and poorly developed.

Throughout the series, Daenerys faced numerous hardships and losses, but her actions were often driven by a desire for a better world. Her decision to burn King’s Landing with her dragon, Drogon, can be seen as a response to emotional pain and personal loss rather than a sudden descent into madness. The portrayal of Daenerys as a cruel and irrational ruler seemed out of character and lacked proper foreshadowing.

Furthermore, the show’s writers attempted to justify Daenerys’ downfall by suggesting that her actions mirrored those of historical villains. This comparison oversimplified the complexity of her character and ignored the nuanced motivations behind her previous actions.

Game of Thrones: A Legacy Tainted

Despite its initial success, Game of Thrones’ final seasons have left a lasting stain on the show’s once-untouchable legacy. The rushed storytelling, inconsistent character arcs, and questionable writing choices have overshadowed the series’ earlier accomplishments.

It is worth noting that Game of Thrones revolutionized the television landscape and set a new standard for high production value and epic storytelling. Its influence can be seen in the cinematic quality of many contemporary shows. However, the disappointing conclusion leaves a bitter taste in the mouths of fans who had invested years of their lives in the series.

HBO, aware of the need to regain the trust of its audience, is currently working on a spin-off series, House of the Dragon, to explore the history of House Targaryen. The network hopes to recapture the magic that made Game of Thrones a cultural phenomenon and mend the shattered relationship with disillusioned fans.


As we mark the two-year anniversary of Game of Thrones’ final season, it is clear that fans still mourn the loss of what the show could have been. The series started with immense promise, captivating audiences with its intricate plotlines and morally complex characters. However, as it reached its conclusion, the rushed storytelling and mishandled character development marred the show’s legacy.

Game of Thrones served as a form of escapism for many, inspiring hope and reminding viewers that they too could overcome the odds. The disappointment felt by fans speaks to the profound impact the show had on their lives. It is a testament to the power of storytelling and the importance of delivering a satisfying conclusion.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why did Game of Thrones’ final season receive so much backlash?
The backlash against Game of Thrones’ final season stemmed from a variety of factors. The rushed pacing, inconsistent character arcs, and controversial storytelling decisions left many fans feeling unsatisfied and betrayed.

2. Is House of the Dragon a direct sequel to Game of Thrones?
House of the Dragon is not a direct sequel to Game of Thrones but rather a prequel series set in the same universe. It will explore the history of House Targaryen, taking place several hundred years before the events of the original show.

3. Will House of the Dragon redeem the Game of Thrones franchise?
The success of House of the Dragon remains uncertain, and whether it will redeem the tarnished reputation of the Game of Thrones franchise is yet to be seen. However, HBO is investing significant resources into the new series, indicating their commitment to recapturing the magic of the original show.

4. Will George R.R. Martin’s future novels follow the same storyline as Game of Thrones?
The future novels in George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice & Fire” series are expected to differ from the televised adaptation of Game of Thrones. Martin has stated that the show and the books will have distinct storylines and endings.

5. What can we learn from the disappointing conclusion of Game of Thrones?
The disappointing conclusion of Game of Thrones serves as a reminder of the importance of consistent storytelling and satisfying character arcs. It highlights the need for creators to stay true to the core essence of their narrative and to prioritize the integrity of their characters.
