Horimiya: Captivating Anime Journey Explored

Analysis of the Horimiya Anime Adaptation

The Culmination of a Disconnected Journey

As the final episode of the Horimiya anime concludes, many viewers, including myself, are left with a perplexing mix of emotions. The series, based on a beloved manga, takes a unique approach that sets it apart from typical adaptations. However, upon reflection, it becomes evident that the anime adaptation lacks cohesiveness. The question that lingers is whether this adaptation truly does justice to the source material or if it falls short of expectations.

The Buffet Analogy

To grasp the essence of Ishihama Masashi’s adaptation, let’s imagine a visit to a lavish buffet. In this scenario, one can choose between two approaches. The first option is to sample a little bit of everything, ensuring that no dish is missed. The second approach involves focusing on the most delectable offerings, savoring them to the fullest. While the first option avoids the fear of missing out, it often results in filling one’s plate with mediocre fare. On the other hand, by limiting ourselves to the finest dishes, we can truly appreciate the culinary delights on offer.

When it comes to adapting Horimiya, it seems that Ishihama leaned towards the first approach, with mixed results. The series presents a wide range of storylines and character arcs, akin to the diverse offerings at a buffet. Yet, instead of focusing on the highlights and making them shine, Ishihama dives into less captivating aspects, leaving key elements underutilized. Additionally, the sequencing of episodes feels disjointed, resembling an indecisive journey through the buffet, alternating between courses without a clear direction. Unfortunately, the strategy behind this approach has evaded my comprehension.

A Graduation That Fails to Resonate

The final episode itself diverges from expectations, particularly in relation to the graduation event. Although the manga dedicates significant development to this milestone, the anime adaptation seemingly magnifies its significance, resulting in a duration of 15 minutes or more. Paradoxically, this extended focus on graduation feels excessive following the events of the previous episode. Furthermore, a two-chapter passage toward the end, which many anticipated to be adapted, is entirely disregarded. It is as if these moments hold no significance in the realm of the anime adaptation.

These issues with the adaptation extend beyond the finale. Just as the anime sidelines Kyouko’s family and Souta in favor of a school comedy approach, crucial moments and character arcs are minimized or even disregarded. The absence of continuity leaves viewers yearning for a more faithful adaptation that captures the essence of Horimiya. It appears that the anime’s perception of what makes the series commercially marketable takes precedence over its true essence.

Inadequate Exploration of Character Arcs

One of the few redeeming aspects of the finale is its focus on Izumi’s perspective, which appropriately aligns with the anime’s core choices. Izumi serves as the backbone of the story, driving its emotional journey more prominently than Hori. However, the intermittent attention given to Izumi’s character arc prevents his growth from fully resonating with the audience. While the portrayal is commendable, it fails to reach its full potential. This can be said about the adaptation as a whole – good, but lacking in greatness.

The Future of Horimiya

New OVA Episodes as a Potential Remedy

Interestingly, there are upcoming OVAs titled “Hori-san to Miyamura-kun,” produced by a different studio with a separate director and cast. These new episodes, set to release next month after a two-year hiatus, may present an opportunity to rectify some of the shortcomings of the TV series adaptation. With a deeper exploration of the material that the anime overlooked, the OVAs may provide a more satisfying experience for fans. In an unexpected twist, the television adaptation may have inadvertently paved the way for the OVAs to flourish within the Horimiya universe.

A Bittersweet Conclusion

Recognition of Achievement Amidst Unfulfilled Potential

Despite the criticisms and disappointments, it is important to acknowledge the merits of the Horimiya anime. It is evident that Ishihama is a skilled director who has crafted remarkable moments throughout the series. The central romance between the characters is undeniably one of the more intriguing anime romances in recent years. While my hope for a more extensive and fulfilling adaptation remains unfulfilled, the Horimiya anime manages to offer a good overall experience, interspersed with flashes of brilliance. Although my expectations were higher, it is important to remember that the anime medium can often deliver far worse.


In conclusion, the Horimiya anime adaptation leaves viewers with conflicting emotions. Despite its unique approach, the lack of cohesiveness and missed opportunities prevent it from fully capturing the essence of the source material. The graduation event, rather than serving as a satisfying culmination, feels excessive and disregards significant storylines. Characters and their respective arcs are sidelined, affecting the overall narrative flow. However, the focus on Izumi’s perspective and the impending release of new OVAs provide a glimmer of hope for a more comprehensive exploration of the Horimiya universe. Ultimately, while the adaptation falls short of expectations, it still offers enjoyable moments and showcases the talent of its director.