In their latest animated venture, “Justice League: Warworld,” DC Comics returns to the dynamic Tomorrowverse, previously showcased in hits like “Superman: Man of Tomorrow” and “Legion of Super-Heroes.” Breaking away from conventional animated norms, this installment ventures into the realm of “R” rated content. Wonder Woman, voiced by the talented Stana Katic, kicks off the action in an unexpected scenario, facing off against cowboys in the Old West, displaying a gritty intensity seldom seen in animated features.
This time, the plot takes us across diverse universes. Wonder Woman finds herself in a showdown with the infamous Jonah Hex, portrayed by Troy Baker. Meanwhile, on Skartaris, a desert world reminiscent of a Dungeons and Dragons adventure, a masked Bruce Wayne, voiced by Jensen Ackles, becomes embroiled in a clash between the enigmatic wizard Deimos, played by Damian O’Hare, and the formidable Warlord, depicted by Teddy Sears.
Directed by the talented Jeff Wamester, the film’s unconventional storytelling structure is helmed by a team of skilled writers, including Jeremy Adams, Ernie Altbacker, and Josie Campbell. The narrative unfolds in three distinct segments. Initially, we witness a solo Wonder Woman tale, transitioning seamlessly into a larger storyline where Wonder Woman and Bruce Wayne emerge as pivotal characters. The third segment, shot in evocative black and white, adds a unique layer of mystery, capturing the essence of a 1950s-inspired atmosphere. This tonal shift serves as a subtle indicator that something extraordinary is at play, adding depth to the plot while maintaining the involvement of key characters.
Without giving away spoilers, the film’s plot delves into the involvement of familiar figures like The Martian Manhunter and introduces a new antagonist, Mongul, portrayed by Robin Atkin Downes, alongside his menacing henchman Lobo, voiced by John DiMaggio. These characters inject energy into the storyline, adding layers of complexity and intrigue.
While the film boasts a compelling overall narrative, there’s a notable lack of exposition about the intricacies of Warworld itself and Mongul’s nefarious plans. Despite its status as a comic book adaptation, the movie could benefit from a deeper exploration of these elements, especially considering its mature target audience. The strength of “Justice League: Warworld” lies in the exceptional voice cast assembled by Warner Animation, yet the script falls short of fully utilizing their potential. Consequently, the film delivers an enjoyable but somewhat underwhelming experience. Unless the anticipated follow-up to the cliffhanger ending significantly elevates the narrative, “Justice League: Warworld” may fade into the realm of forgettable animated adventures.
Warner Bros. is gearing up to unleash “Justice League: Warworld” on Blu-ray, DVD, VOD, and Digital Platforms on July 25th. For those still in the animated realm, FilmTagger stands ready to suggest your next captivating watch.