Kochouki: Wakaki Nobunaga – Timeless Tale – Series Review

Movie Bunker Score:

The Youth of Oda Nobunaga: A Perplexing and Bursting Tale


The story of Oda Nobunaga’s youth remains relatively unexplored in the realm of anime. However, there lingers a certain risk when creating a series like Kochouki. As the narrative builds up to its climax, viewers are left longing for more. Nobunaga, arguably the most important and vibrant warlord of the Sengoku Period, captures our attention, making us yearn for the moment when he truly comes into his own, conquering armies and leaving a lasting legacy.

The Decisive Battle with Imagawa Yoshimoto

Within Nobunaga’s early career, his encounter with Imagawa Yoshimoto stands as a defining moment. Imagawa, a powerful daimyo, intended to march to Kyoto and claim the role of shogun. Along his path, he saw the Oda clan as a minor annoyance, almost an afterthought. With his formidable force, including alliances with the Takeda and Houjou, Imagawa’s overconfidence became his biggest weakness during his westward march.

Despite being greatly outnumbered, with reports of the enemy’s forces numbering 10,000, Nobunaga faced the challenge head-on. Imagawa enlisted Tokugawa Ieyasu, known then as Matsudaira Motoyasu, and his army to continue the march towards Owari. However, one significant figure missing from Imagawa’s side was Sessai Chourou, a yamabushi and one of his trusted military advisors. Unfortunately, Sessai had passed away in 1557, leaving us to wonder if his presence could have altered the ultimate fate that awaited Imagawa or even deterred him from launching this campaign in the first place.

A Colorful Reimagining of History

Kochouki follows the historical framework while infusing vibrant colors into the unknown spaces. Some details have been altered to preserve the allure of Nobunaga. For instance, Imagawa proudly claimed to have an army of 40,000 men, a number confirmed by Kichou, but historical records suggest that Nobunaga estimated the actual count to be closer to 25,000. Even at 25,000, the odds were stacked against him, requiring a stroke of genius. Was it true that the real Nobunaga intended to seek peace, only to be hindered by meddling priest Takugen? While highly unlikely, it makes for a compelling story.

Most accounts agree that Imagawa’s army, fueled by overconfidence, was paving its way towards Nobunaga’s stronghold. However, on a rainy night, Nobunaga’s significantly smaller force launched an ambush at Okehazama, resulting in Imagawa’s death. Officially, it was Nobunaga’s retainers Moori Shinsuke and Hattori Koheita who struck the fatal blow, rather than Nobunaga himself. Nevertheless, in Kochouki, it comes as no surprise that the credit is subtly shifted towards the protagonist.

A Desirable Sequel

The hope for a sequel to Kochouki arises, especially considering the potential that lies in exploring the meatier chapters of Nobunaga’s life. Witnessing the capabilities of this talented anime team firsthand leaves us yearning for more. However, with the progression of the narrative, more viewers, particularly in Japan, may feel that they already know the historical outcome, which poses a potential danger. Therefore, it is not uncommon for series tackling this part of the story to incorporate absurd hooks, making grounded portrayals of Nobunaga like Kochouki a rarity.

An Enlightening Entertainment

Although Kochouki may not serve as an educational resource for Nobunaga’s lesser-known phase of life, it offers enlightening perspectives. Nobunaga’s captivating character is often overused in various visual novels, manga, and anime for good reason. His powerful influence and iconoclastic approach to attaining and exerting it make him an incredibly compelling historical figure. In a culture that lacks true iconoclasts throughout its history, individuals like Nobunaga stand out even more. Kochouki: Wakaki Nobunaga successfully contributes something meaningful to the Nobunaga lexicon and manages to be highly entertaining in the process.


In conclusion, Kochouki: Wakaki Nobunaga presents a burst of energy and perplexity as it dives into the youth of Oda Nobunaga. Through vibrant storytelling and imaginative portrayals, it captures our attention, leaving us wanting more. While the series may not be entirely historically accurate, it offers a unique perspective on a lesser-explored phase of Nobunaga’s life. As viewers, we find ourselves yearning for a sequel that dives deeper into the captivating narrative. Kochouki has proven to be a valuable addition to the vast collection of works centered around Nobunaga’s legacy and serves as a testament to his enduring appeal.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Kochouki: Wakaki Nobunaga based on true events?

No, Kochouki takes historical events as a framework but adds creative elements and alterations to enhance the storytelling experience and highlight Nobunaga’s character.

2. Are Moori Shinsuke and Hattori Koheita real historical figures?

While the series credits them with the defeat of Imagawa Yoshimoto, Moori Shinsuke and Hattori Koheita are not prominent historical figures in relation to Nobunaga’s life. Their roles may have been exaggerated for dramatic effect.

3. Can we expect a sequel to Kochouki?

While a sequel to Kochouki is not confirmed, the manga based on the series has already produced a spinoff. Fans and viewers remain hopeful that the talented anime team behind Kochouki will continue to explore other fascinating phases of Nobunaga’s life.

4. How accurate is Kochouki in depicting the Sengoku Period?

Kochouki offers a colorful reimagination of the Sengoku Period, painting unknown spaces with creative flair. While it maintains the broad strokes of historical records, some details are altered for storytelling purposes. Therefore, it should be viewed as an entertainment medium rather than a definitive historical account.

5. What makes Oda Nobunaga such an influential historical figure?

Oda Nobunaga’s influence stems from his unconventional and iconoclastic approach to power. His strategic brilliance and unorthodox methods set him apart from other figures of his time, leaving an indelible mark on Japanese history. His legacy continues to captivate audiences and inspire creative works like Kochouki: Wakaki Nobunaga.