Mr. Car And The Knights Templar’ Falls Short of Being the Next Indiana Jones

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Mr. Car and the Knights Templar

Release: 2023-07-12Genre: AdventureDuration: 110 minsBudget: $ 0

A well-known art historian, treasure hunter and owner of an unusual car stumbles upon a Templar treasure, which is the key to a great power that can upset the balance of good and evil in the world. Supported by friendly scouts, Mr. Car starts a big race against time and a hostile organization, the stake of which is the heritage of knightly orders.

Mr. Car and the Knights Templar

Release: 2023-07-12Genre: AdventureDuration: 110 minsBudget: $ 0

A well-known art historian, treasure hunter and owner of an unusual car stumbles upon a Templar treasure, which is the key to a great power that can upset the balance of good and evil in the world. Supported by friendly scouts, Mr. Car starts a big race against time and a hostile organization, the stake of which is the heritage of knightly orders.

In ‘Mr. Car and the Knights Templar,’ a Polish-language Netflix Original movie, director Antoni Nykowski attempts to deliver an action-packed adventure in the style of Indiana Jones with a touch of The Goonies. However, the film fails to capture the essence of what made those classics so successful. The story follows the renowned treasure hunter, Tomasz (Mateusz Janicki), on a quest to find a long-lost treasure with the help of a Templar cross inscribed with a mysterious clue. Along the way, he is joined by a group of runaway scouts.

The movie starts promisingly with an engaging action sequence between Tomasz and the villain, Adios (Jacek Beler), as they compete for the Templar’s cross. The initial scenes showcase good choreography and a captivating location, a lighthouse, with Tomasz’s cool titular car making for a great escape vehicle. However, the film takes a downturn when Tomasz’s character undergoes a significant shift. He transforms from an exciting adventurer into an unlikable, self-centered jerk whose only focus is finding treasure. This change robs the film of the charisma and charm that a character like Indiana Jones possesses.

The supporting characters, particularly the kids, fail to infuse the film with the charm of The Goonies. Instead, they come across as stereotypical and lack the puzzle-solving abilities or comedic elements that could have added depth to their roles. The protagonist’s emotionless car, which is highlighted in the film, is not compelling either, as it merely has one cool trick and little relevance thereafter.

The villains and side characters suffer from confusion as well. While Adios serves as a one-dimensional antagonist, the rival treasure hunter Karen and the journalist Anka lack clear distinctions between their allegiances, making their roles puzzling. The film’s attempt to establish an adventure based on the Knights Templar and related historical elements is convoluted, assuming prior knowledge from the audience without providing adequate context. This choice hampers the overall experience and makes the plot difficult to follow.

In addition to the weak characters and confusing narrative, the adventure itself lacks the captivating factor needed to sustain audience interest. The story unfolds through an odd vehicle, and its conclusion feels forced and out-of-place. Though certain scenes make sense on their own, the film fails to tie everything together cohesively.

Overall, ‘Mr. Car and the Knights Templar’ is a disappointing film that struggles to find its footing. The characters lack endearment, the plot is confusing, and the adventure fails to ignite excitement. Despite the attempt to blend the adventurous spirit of Indiana Jones with The Goonies’ charm, the film falls short and is hardly worth the time invested.

‘Mr. Car and the Knights Templar’ is currently available for streaming on Netflix.
