“Ragnarok,” the new Danish Netflix series, takes a bold step into the realm of ancient Norse legend, intertwining it with the complexities of teenage life and modern-day environmental concerns. Created by Adam Price, known for “Borgen,” this show brings an intriguing twist to the classic tale of Ragnarok, the apocalyptic end of the world. So, is this series worth your binge-watching time? Let’s explore.
The show opens by whisking us into the heart of Norse mythology, giving viewers a crash course on Ragnarok – the world’s end through a battle of gods and giants. From there, the narrative shifts to present-day Norway, where Magne, a socially awkward and dyslexic teenager, is fated to stand against the looming Ragnarok.
The strength of the series lies in its fusion of mythology and teen drama. David Stakston’s portrayal of Magne, with his endearing clumsiness and newfound powers, adds depth to a character who straddles the line between relatable adolescence and divine destiny. The supporting cast, including Magne’s charismatic brother Laurits and his potential love interest Isolde, add layers of complexity to the story.
Yet, despite its captivating premise, “Ragnarok” occasionally stumbles in its pacing. The narrative rhythm feels uneven, swinging between leisurely character-building moments and abrupt, pivotal plot developments. For instance, Magne’s budding friendship with Isolde promises a unique angle to combat the Jutul family, who practically control the town. However, a sudden tragedy throws the momentum off balance, leaving us yearning for more development and context.
Speaking of the Jutul family, they are the enigmatic force driving the series forward. As the antagonists, their control over the town’s fate juxtaposed with their environmental hypocrisy creates an interesting dynamic. But this complexity sometimes gets overshadowed by their occasionally cheesy and over-the-top depictions, fitting oddly well with the mythological backdrop.
Visually, the effects can lean towards the cheesy side, but considering the show’s connection to ancient legends, this quality doesn’t feel entirely out of place. Norse mythology, with its fantastical creatures and grand battles, lends itself to a certain level of campiness, and “Ragnarok” embraces it in its own way.
In conclusion, “Ragnarok” offers a fresh perspective on a legendary tale, merging Norse mythology with the struggles of adolescence in a modern world. While it occasionally falters in pacing and character development, the series holds promise with its unique premise and endearing lead. So, should you stream it or skip it? If you’re intrigued by the blend of ancient myths and contemporary teen drama, it’s definitely a “Stream It.” Just be prepared for a few bumps along the mythic journey.