Revenger: Unleashing Vendetta – Exploring Anime’s Intricacies

Revenger: An Engaging Tale of Assassins and Morally Complex Characters

In the world of Urabuchi Gen, committing to one of his series is always a thrilling but queasy experience. It’s like leaping across a chasm, hoping that the ledge on the other side will hold. Revenger is no exception. After watching the first three episodes, I find myself captivated by the intricate storytelling and the brilliant direction of Fujimori Masaya. The series has already hooked me, and I can’t wait to explore the depths of this dark and complex narrative.

Discovering the Underbelly of Nagasaki

In this week’s episode, we are treated to a mesmerizing dialogue-free sequence featuring Raizou and Nio. Nio takes the new recruit on a tour around their town, specifically the areas where people like Reben-ji tend to gather. Nio’s attempts to elicit a reaction from the stoic Raizou prove futile, but the experience still brings him joy. They visit a shantytown on a hillside, where the destitute and abandoned congregate. It quickly becomes apparent that the number of people in this impoverished community is on the rise, setting the stage for a compelling narrative twist.

Unveiling the Enigmatic Characters

This episode shines a spotlight on Nio and Souji, delving into their backstories and motivations. Each member of the gang has their own secrets, and we still have much to learn about their journey to this point of their lives. Souji appears to be a typical slacker, indulging in vices like gambling and drinking. However, his remarkable skills reminiscent of a ninja and Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter suggest a hidden depth to his character. On the other hand, Nio’s childlike demeanor masks a cold-blooded killer who has become desensitized to violence from a young age.

A revealing conversation between Nio and Yuuen sheds light on Raizou’s admittance into the gang. It becomes evident that Nio is not only questioning Raizou’s worthiness but also his own place within the group. Nio embodies the idea that strength and intelligence are crucial for survival, no matter the cost. Meanwhile, Souji finds himself horrified when the gang’s doctor places Raizou in his room without warning. Raizou’s murderous past has attracted attention, making it essential to keep him hidden from curious eyes. With limited rooms available in town, Souji sees Raizou’s presence as a potential hindrance to his carefree lifestyle.

The Hunt Begins: Sakata Shuusui

This week’s target is Sakata Shuusui, a local gangster known for his malicious acts. We witness Sakata framing an innocent Buddha statue shopkeeper as an opium dealer simply because the man refused to pay protection money. Nio, seemingly unfazed by this injustice, aligns himself with Sakata’s schemes. Sakata’s villainy extends to manipulating the man’s wife, turning her into an addict and using her as a pawn in his cruel game. The shantytown, filled with people suffering from addiction, serves as a somber reminder of Sakata’s influence. It appears that the sins of evildoers manifest in framing others for their own crimes.

Sakata’s growing power becomes problematic for the corrupt local magistrate, Isarizawa Jinkurou. This flamboyant character, known as the “pajama patrol,” enjoys the luxuries of the pleasure quarter and surrounds himself with Indian musicians. As the Reben-ji embarks on their mission to take down Sakata, the blurred lines between morality and self-interest become increasingly evident. Though their targets are undeniably evil individuals, there is no sense of altruism driving their actions. Raizou, portrayed brilliantly on-screen, embodies the realization that this path is not one of redemption but merely a way to bide his time until his inevitable departure from this world.

Raizou’s Surprise and the Pathetic End

Souji volunteers himself and drafts Raizou for the mission to eliminate Sakata. As they arrive at Sakata’s villa, Nio conducts some reconnaissance but underestimates the enemy’s numbers. Souji expects Raizou to create chaos and draw the attention of Sakata’s men, allowing him to swiftly dispose of them. However, Raizou surprises Souji with his proficiency in assassination techniques rather than traditional samurai skills. The death of Sakata, a despicable character, brings little satisfaction, highlighting the tragic fate of these assassins. They are, in essence, slowly killing themselves while eliminating their targets. This theme of tragic pathos resonates with popular assassin tales, such as the beloved Hissatsu TV dramas that Revenger pays homage to.


Revenger captivates viewers with its enthralling narrative, morally complex characters, and thought-provoking exploration of the path of an assassin. The masterful direction and attention to detail elevate the viewing experience, building anticipation for what lies ahead. With each episode, the story becomes more elaborate, deepening our understanding of the intricate web of relationships and motivations woven by Urabuchi Gen. As the Reben-ji embark on their mission to bring justice to the corrupt, the true nature of their actions is laid bare. Will they find redemption or simply travel further down the dark road of their destinies?

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Revenger suitable for a high school audience?

Yes, Revenger is appropriate for a high school audience due to its engaging narrative and thought-provoking themes. However, please note that the series contains violent scenes and morally complex characters, which may require parental guidance or viewer discretion.

2. How does Revenger differ from other Urabuchi Gen series?

While Urabuchi Gen’s works often explore dark and complex themes, Revenger stands out for its focus on assassins and their morally ambiguous journeys. The series dives into the psychological depths of its characters, offering a unique perspective on the consequences of violence and the pursuit of justice.

3. Are there any historical elements in Revenger?

While Revenger is a work of fiction, it takes inspiration from the Edo period in Japan. The series incorporates historical settings and explores themes relevant to that era, giving viewers a glimpse into the past while delivering an engaging narrative.

4. Can Revenger be enjoyed by those unfamiliar with Urabuchi Gen’s previous works?

Absolutely! Revenger stands on its own as a captivating and self-contained story. While fans of Urabuchi Gen’s previous works may find elements to appreciate, newcomers can easily immerse themselves in the world of Revenger without any prior knowledge or understanding of the author’s other works.

5. How does the direction by Fujimori Masaya enhance the viewing experience?

Fujimori Masaya’s direction brings the intricate narrative of Revenger to life, emphasizing the emotional depth of the characters and highlighting the intensity of each scene. Through careful attention to detail, visual storytelling, and effective pacing, Fujimori ensures that viewers remain engrossed in the story, eagerly anticipating what comes next.
