Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai: Bittersweet Farewell – Series Analysis

Megalo Box and Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai: Surprising Endings and Commonalities

When it comes to the anime series Megalo Box and Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai, there are apparent differences that set them apart. However, upon closer examination, one can find a couple of interesting commonalities between these shows. Despite airing on the same day, which in itself is quite a coincidence, both series managed to defy convention by delivering unexpected endings. This has led to mixed reactions from fans who feel both intrigued and somewhat deceived by these surprising conclusions.

Megalo Box: Breaking Free from Sad Endings

Megalo Box, being an update of an existing franchise with a reputation for sad endings, naturally led viewers to anticipate a similar outcome. The series seemed to imply that this assumption would hold true throughout its run. Despite this expectation, Megalo Box managed to surprise its audience by going against the grain. Some fans have expressed their dissatisfaction with this deviation from the anticipated bittersweet conclusion.

Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai: Defying Romantic Conventions

Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai, on the other hand, was not officially a sequel to any existing work, but it drew inspiration from the classic film Roman Holiday. This Hollywood romance, while widely regarded as one of the best in its genre, is remembered for its anti-fairy tale ending. Although Tada-kun did not explicitly foreshadow a sad or bittersweet conclusion, the premise of the series seemed to offer little chance for any other outcome. Despite this, the show managed to surprise its audience, leaving some fans feeling unsettled.

Common Misconceptions and Real-World Examples

There have been criticisms regarding the plausibility of these unexpected endings. Some individuals have voiced their opinions without a complete understanding of historical context, presenting invalid arguments. In reality, commoner marriages within European royalty are not unheard of. Examples such as Prince Felix of Luxembourg’s marriage in 2013 demonstrate that even crown princes and princesses are not exempt from such unions. Edward VIII of England, a renowned historical figure, married American Wallis Simpson, creating a fairy tale romance that captivated many, despite the controversy surrounding their relationship.

In the case of Larsenburg, the fictional setting of Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai, a crown princess marrying a commoner would undoubtedly stir up scandalous excitement. However, history has shown that such events can become ingrained in a nation’s history, eventually becoming insignificant. While the specific character dynamics in Tada-kun’s story warrant a separate discussion, the plot development aligns reasonably well with the context. Nevertheless, it would have been preferable for the series to explore this aspect of the narrative a bit earlier, allowing for a more profound exploration of the epilogue.

Significant Aspects of the Denouement

Upon examining the denouement of Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai, a few noteworthy elements stand out. Rachel, one of the characters, appears to have played a role in orchestrating the surprise conclusion. Her actions seem motivated by her desire to prevent experiencing the same regret she believes Tada-kun’s parents faced. While it was initially suspected that her involvement was connected to their tragic past, it turns out there may be different underlying factors. The invitation to a party serves as a crucial catalyst, but it is likely that Tada-kun would have found a way into the palace regardless. Additionally, the acknowledgment and gratitude Tada-kun expresses towards his loyal and supportive friend, Kaoru-kun, are heartwarming.

A Tale of Love: Teresa-chan, Tada-kun, and Charles

The love between Teresa-chan and Tada-kun is undeniably apparent throughout the series, despite their own obliviousness to their feelings. This love triangle also involves Charles, who plays a significant role in the story. Charles, fully aware that Teresa does not love him but loves Tada-kun, does not embody the typical villain archetype. His complex character adds depth to the narrative. It is not far-fetched to imagine someone like Charles acknowledging this disparity and withdrawing himself from the equation to prioritize Teresa’s happiness. While not every individual would make such a sacrifice, it remains a plausible choice within both fictional and non-fictional contexts.

The Narrative’s True Intentions

From a narrative standpoint, the conclusion depicted before the credits could be seen as neater and more elegant. The overarching theme of the series revolved around Tada-kun’s personal growth and his ability to express his emotions openly. The crux of the story was not solely focused on Tada-kun and Teresa being together, but rather on Tada-kun’s journey of overcoming his fears and allowing himself to love. Once this pivotal moment occurred, anything beyond that becomes a dramatic indulgence, though a luxurious one at that.

Indulging in occasional narrative departures and treating oneself to a touch of luxury is far from unwelcome. In this case, there is a price to be paid in terms of consistency and emotional impact, but fairy tales often come with fairy tale endings. Personally, I did not expect any post-credits scenes and had already accepted the series might conclude without them. However, the actual ending proved equally valid and satisfying. It is important to remember that just because a story deviates from one’s expectations, it does not equate to trolling or a betrayal of the narrative. Sometimes, a story chooses to venture down a different path.

A Poetic Epilogue

Before drawing this analysis to a close, it is essential to acknowledge the poetic quality of Teresa’s actions, which would have remained incomplete without the epilogue. The essence lies in Tada-kun being rewarded for his courage. His journey to Larsenburg, filled with personal fears and emotional barriers, was all about conquering those obstacles. The story was not so much about Tada and Teresa being together, but rather about Tada learning to share his feelings and embrace a more open and fulfilling life. Knowing that he can now move forward without carrying the weight of unspoken emotions would have been a sufficient reward. However, the added satisfaction of the epilogue further enriches both Tada-kun’s character and the viewing experience.


Megalo Box and Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai may have surprised their audiences with unexpected endings, but these unforeseen conclusions succeeded in adding depth and complexity to both stories. Despite initial reservations from some fans, it is important to appreciate the narrative choices and the creative risks taken by the creators. Endings that deviate from the norm can offer a refreshing perspective and meaningful character development. As viewers, let us embrace the poetic and indulgent narrative paths that challenge our expectations while acknowledging the validity of such choices.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Was Megalo Box a direct sequel to a previous series?

No, Megalo Box was not a direct sequel to any previous series. It was an update and reimagining of an existing franchise known for sad endings.

2. Are commoner marriages within royalty historically accurate?

Yes, commoner marriages within royalty have occurred in history. For example, Luxembourg saw such a marriage as recently as 2013 with Prince Felix tying the knot with a commoner.

3. Was Charles portrayed as a villain in Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai?

No, Charles was not depicted as a villain in the series. He played a complex role and demonstrated the awareness that Teresa did not love him but loved Tada-kun. He made a selfless decision to prioritize Teresa’s happiness.

4. Did Tada-kun’s journey involve overcoming his fears?

Yes, Tada-kun’s journey throughout the series revolved around conquering his fears, whether it be a fear of flying or a fear of emotional commitment. His personal growth led him to be more open and expressive with his feelings.

5. Why are unexpected endings important in storytelling?

Unexpected endings can add depth and complexity to storytelling by challenging the audience’s expectations. They can provide opportunities for character development and deliver fresh perspectives that linger in the minds of viewers long after the story concludes.
