Taishou Otome Otogibanashi: Enchanting Anime Gem

Taishou Otome Otogibanashi: An Analysis of its Premise and Potential

Taishou Otome Otogibanashi had me cautiously intrigued when I first heard about it this season. However, I couldn’t help but have some reservations based on my instincts about the series. After watching the premiere, my concerns were confirmed to some extent. It didn’t turn out to be terrible, but it did stumble into the very pitfalls I had anticipated. In comparing it to series like Ikoku Meiro no Croisee, there are notable differences beyond just the decade in which they were made, especially in terms of writing quality. This raises questions about the evolution of anime and its aspirations.

Uncomfortable Resemblance to Satou Junichi

Satou Junichi’s influence is palpable in this premiere, and as someone who deeply admires Princess Tutu, I must admit that I often find his obsession with “healing” to be overwhelming. Unfortunately, Taishou Otome Otogibanashi worships the divine loli, a common motif in contemporary anime, which many of Satou’s works also embrace, whether we acknowledge it or not. Even when such shows don’t overtly sexualize young girls, they objectify them, projecting an unrealistic and detrimental image of juvenile femininity to an eager male audience. This is an issue deeply embedded in today’s anime landscape and blemishes the medium’s reputation.

The Premise: A Tale of Disinheritance and Unlikely Arrangement

The story revolves around Shima Tamahiko, a young man who has been disowned by his affluent father following a traffic accident that resulted in the loss of his right arm and the tragic death of his mother. While it may seem extreme, let’s accept this scenario as a reflection of the harshness wealthy families sometimes display. Tamahiko finds himself exiled to the mountains in Chiba, a significant setting in 1921. There, he wallows in self-pity during the day and wrestles with insomnia at night, yearning for eternal sleep that perpetually eludes him.

Enter Yuzuki, a girl of around 13 years old, whom the father acquires from one of his debtors as a future bride to ensure his son’s survival. Yuzuki effortlessly exudes charm in any situation, speaks with a high-pitched voice reminiscent of inhaling helium, and consistently mugs for the camera, all while saintly ignoring Tamahiko’s sullenness. In short, she embodies every cliché associated with her character archetype and then some. Will exposure to Tamahiko lead to a transformation in Yuzuki? Perhaps, but the series’ intentions are clear, and it has succeeded in leaving a lasting impression.

A Glimmer of Hope and Potential for Evolution

Despite my reservations, there was one scene in the premiere that genuinely appealed to me. It involved an amusing misunderstanding after Yuzuki casually suggested that she and Tamahiko should “sleep together.” While the subsequent confusion was quite predictable, it was handled in a way that had me chuckling. Tamahiko’s awkward panic and Yuzuki’s revelation of her hidden knowledge hinted at a depth beyond their initial characterizations. It provided a glimmer of hope that there might be more substance to the series and that it could dial back some of its initial tropes in favor of a richer narrative.

Satou Junichi and the Issue of Monotonous Flavors

When it comes to Satou Junichi’s work, especially when he serves as both the writer and director, I often liken it to indulging in an overly sweet dessert that lacks a variety of tastes and textures. While I do appreciate desserts, I also crave bitterness, sourness, and saltiness alongside the sweetness. Nowadays, Satou’s works are akin to pure sugar, and Taishou Otome Otogibanashi falls into that same category. As an anime enthusiast, I acknowledge that dismissing a series after just one episode would be premature, especially considering the potential for growth and improvement. With its captivating setting and distinct art style alone, I will give it another week before making a final judgment. Here’s to hoping that this series will explore a wider range of themes and narratives instead of sticking to a single formula.


In conclusion, Taishou Otome Otogibanashi raises pertinent concerns regarding the portrayal of young female characters in anime. While the premiere adhered to certain clichés and tropes, it also hinted at the possibility of transcending those limitations. By incorporating more depth and deviating from the prevalent formula, the series has the potential to evolve into a more nuanced and engaging storyline. It’s imperative for anime as a medium to challenge prevailing norms and offer narratives that exhibit a broader spectrum of perspectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Taishou Otome Otogibanashi solely focused on the loli genre?

No, Taishou Otome Otogibanashi extends beyond the loli genre, although it does incorporate elements and character designs associated with it. The series aims to explore the relationship between its main characters, delving into themes of growth and personal transformation.

2. Does the premiere adequately introduce the setting of Chiba in 1921?

While the premiere offers a glimpse of the setting in 1921 Chiba, it does not extensively explore the historical context. However, the choice of this time and place adds an intriguing layer to the narrative and sets the stage for potential socio-cultural exploration in subsequent episodes.

3. Can we expect the series to challenge gender stereotypes prevalent in anime?

Although the premiere showcased some tropes associated with gender stereotypes, there is still hope for Taishou Otome Otogibanashi to subvert these expectations. By gradually developing the characters and their relationships, the series has the opportunity to defy common conventions and present a more nuanced narrative.

4. Are there other anime series that explore similar themes of social hierarchy and personal struggles?

Absolutely! If you’re interested in anime that explores social hierarchies and personal struggles, you might enjoy series like “Kaze to Ki no Uta” or “Rose of Versailles.” These shows offer thought-provoking narratives and explore themes of identity, societal expectations, and personal growth.

5. Will Taishou Otome Otogibanashi appeal to viewers who are looking for a unique story?

While Taishou Otome Otogibanashi initially incorporates common tropes, it has the potential to evolve into a unique story. By breaking free from established conventions and providing a fresh perspective on the characters and their journeys, this series has the opportunity to captivate viewers seeking something different.
