The Social Network (2010) Film Review

Movie Bunker Score:

The Social Network: A Defining Film Exploring the Origins of Facebook


The Social Network, a film directed by David Fincher, delves into the origins of Facebook and the story of its founder, Mark Zuckerberg. Released in 2010, this cinematic masterpiece has left a lasting impact due to its exceptional direction, compelling script, and captivating score. More than just a biographical account, The Social Network captures the essence of two generations, shedding light on the potential pitfalls of social media. It delves into the universal themes of connection and isolation, while delivering a powerful message about the dark side of virtual interactions.

The Storyline

The narrative of The Social Network revolves around the young Mark Zuckerberg, brilliantly portrayed by Jesse Eisenberg. The film begins with Zuckerberg’s time as a student at Harvard, where he embarks upon a journey that would ultimately result in the creation of Facebook, the world’s most famous social media platform. Alongside his friend Eduardo Saverin, played by Andrew Garfield, Zuckerberg navigates the complexities of entrepreneurship and friendship. However, as Facebook’s popularity soars, conflicts arise, leading to lawsuits from the Winklevoss twins and Saverin himself, challenging Zuckerberg’s moral compass.

David Fincher’s Unique Direction

David Fincher, known for his dark and introspective films like Se7en, Fight Club, and Zodiac, brings his distinctive touch to The Social Network. While initially unexpected, Fincher’s directorial style perfectly complements the narrative, effectively exploring the psychological dimensions of the characters. He seamlessly merges his exploration of human psyche with the role technology plays in shaping our society. Employing a non-linear structure, Fincher intricately dissects Zuckerberg’s journey, showcasing his flaws and virtues, painting a complex portrait of a man who revolutionized how we connect.

An Allegorical Script by Aaron Sorkin

The script, penned by the legendary Aaron Sorkin, serves as the backbone of The Social Network. The film opens with a captivating scene between Zuckerberg and Erica Albright, played by Rooney Mara, characterized by Sorkin’s trademark rapid-fire dialogue. This dialogue-driven approach not only propels the storyline but also serves as a poignant allegory for the confusion and confrontations often encountered in the online world. Sorkin’s masterful writing reveals the characters’ depth, particularly Zuckerberg’s arrogance and detachment, imparting hidden messages and insights throughout the film.

A Captivating Musical Score by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

Undoubtedly, one of the overlooked aspects of The Social Network’s brilliance lies in its extraordinary score composed by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. At that time, their relatively limited experience allowed them to craft a truly distinctive and evocative musical backdrop for the film. The score’s most memorable piece, “Hand Covers Bruise,” blends simple piano notes with persistent, eerie strings, effortlessly capturing the essence of Zuckerberg’s loneliness and his relentless pursuit to prove himself. The musical accompaniment reinforces the film’s themes and further immerses the audience in its narrative.

A Timeless Classic

The Social Network showcases the unparalleled prowess of its director, writer, and composers. Its lasting impact is not limited to its artistic merit but also its profound exploration of social media’s consequences. As the years have passed since its release, the film’s prescience has become increasingly apparent. The questions it raises about human connection, the potential for isolation, and the evolving role of technology are more relevant than ever before. The Social Network stands as a timeless classic, warranting ongoing analysis and serving as a cautionary tale for our interconnected world.


The Social Network encapsulates more than just the story of Facebook’s inception; it presents a thought-provoking journey into the complexities of human nature, intellectual property, and the impact of social media. David Fincher’s impeccable direction, Aaron Sorkin’s masterful script, and Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross’s haunting score converge to create an indelible cinematic experience. Even today, The Social Network continues to resonate, inviting us to reflect on the true cost of our online interactions.


1. Is The Social Network based on a true story?

Yes, The Social Network is based on the book “The Accidental Billionaires” by Ben Mezrich. While it does take some creative liberties, it provides a fictionalized account of Facebook’s origins and Mark Zuckerberg’s journey.

2. How accurate is the portrayal of Mark Zuckerberg in the film?

The film’s depiction of Mark Zuckerberg has been subject to some criticism. While Zuckerberg himself has expressed his disapproval of certain scenes, it is important to remember that the movie is a dramatization of real events and should be viewed as such.

3. What makes The Social Network stand out from other films about social media?

Unlike many films that romanticize the possibilities of social media, The Social Network offers a critical lens, exploring the darker side of virtual connectivity. It sheds light on the potential negative consequences and the ethical dilemmas that arise when boundaries are crossed.

4. How does the score enhance the viewing experience?

The score, composed by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, perfectly complements the film’s atmosphere. Its haunting melodies and minimalist approach heighten the emotional impact of key moments, immersing viewers in the protagonist’s state of mind.

5. Why is The Social Network considered a timeless classic?

The Social Network transcends its initial release due to its themes and messages, which have become increasingly relevant in our modern age. Its exploration of human connection, isolation, and the influence of technology ensures the film’s enduring resonance.
